
Thank you for stopping by. I would like to start by acknowledging how grateful I am to be here on the ancestral lands of the Lheidli T’enneh, where I am fortunate enough to work, play and raise my three beautiful children.

Photo Credit: Lia Chappell

I’ll start off by giving you a little glimpse into my life. I was born is Seoul Korea and adopted into my loving family at 6 months old. Prince George is not only where I grew up, but where my husband and I are fortunate enough to raise our three energetic kiddos (plus a furry and naughty dog named Ellie). My childhood was filled with bike rides, tree forts, volleyball lessons and trips to the beloved “happiest place on earth”, Disneyland! I was raised by two loving and hardworking parents, one of which was a Kindergarten teacher for many, many years (this should have been my first hint).

Photo Credit: Lia Chappell

Now, my days are filled with creating my own family memories, such as camping, skiing, bike riding and yes, the occasional trip to Disneyland;)

To be brutally honest, when I was younger I never really had a desire to teach. I think on some level, embarrassingly enough, I thought my future consisted of power suits, working downtown New York for some fancy fashion magazine. Clearly that was not in the cards for me, which looking back, I am extremely thankful for.

The moment I became a mother everything shifted; my world views, values and priorities. I’d like to think that my three children are the answer to the question, “why teaching now”?  Watching their school experience thus far ignited a spark that led me to the teaching program at UNBC. I have discovered an innate desire to help connect and shape the young minds of today. To me teaching is an art form, a practice that is never perfect, thank goodness!

Photo Credit: Lia Chappell

I am most looking forward to creating a classroom where my students feel safe, accepted, valued and cared for. I believe learning is fluid and I can’t wait to cultivate a learning environment that is accessible, creative and collaborative. I am so grateful to start this journey, and soak in as much as possible from my UNBC professors, fellow classmates and one day…future students!

Photo Credit: Lia Chappell